
Our Story

We were living in a small apartment in Cambridge, MA in 2018, when we first came up with the idea of Unity Fitness. We would often debate the best types of exercise and the benefits of different exercise forms, as Luke was primarily interested in strength training and Amy was interested in injury prevention and functional fitness. Though we often disagreed on the best ways to achieve optimal physical health, we always agreed with the baseline idea that fitness is a vital part of health. One day, we decided to stop discussing the best ways to exercise and start helping others get started on their paths to physically healthier lives. We wanted to make health and fitness more attainable for everybody. 

Eventually, we came up with the idea of Unity Fitness that stands today. What if we took the barriers to health and fitness away? What if we brought the gym to the people, instead of telling people to go to the gym? If we go to people, there’s no excuse to skip out on exercise–no cars not starting, no lack of motivation to get up from the couch and leave–we skip the hardest and most important step: showing up. Thus, Unity Fitness was born. We became an LLC and began training our first clients in 2020. Today, we are ready to come to you and help you make fitness an integral part of your daily life.

We provide in-home personal training and lifestyle services to clients of all ages and experience levels. 

Luke Gonyea - Owner/Personal Trainer

In 2016, I took control of my own health and fitness. I read Bigger Leaner Stronger: The Simple Science of Building the Ultimate Male Body by Mike Matthews and it transformed who I am. I became a student of training and nutrition, reading and listening to everything I could get my hands on. After years of consistent training, my motivation did not wane. This encouraged me to act and start helping others on their fitness journey. We had the idea of Unity Fitness but didn’t have experience to back it up, so I began working as a personal trainer at the Training Room in Somerville, MA. I got hands-on experience training clients and teaching group classes. I was also working as an engineer but was getting ready to make personal training my full-time job. Then, COVID arrived and we moved out of the Boston area. I shifted into online personal training. While I enjoyed the online training, I missed training clients in-person. We decided to push forward with Unity Fitness and began training our first clients in 2020. I haven’t looked back since.
Credentials: Certified Personal Trainer (National Council on Strength and Fitness)

Amy Haggerty, PT, DPT - Owner/Personal Trainer

In 2017, I graduated from Saint Michael’s College with a degree in Biology and began working toward my doctorate in Physical Therapy. While working toward my degree, I learned a lot about injury prevention and the importance of exercise on health in the non-injured population. I began working as a personal trainer in 2020, when I took my first client with Unity Fitness. In 2021, I graduated with my doctorate in Physical Therapy from Northeastern University and began working as a full-time physical therapist. However, I didn’t want to leave Unity Fitness and the personal training/injury prevention world behind. I continue to train clients and work behind the scenes as a personal trainer and co-owner at Unity Fitness.
Credentials: Doctorate of Physical Therapy (Northeastern University)

We truly believe taking control of our own health is one of the most empowering decisions an individual can make. We look forward to helping you make good on that decision.